In "For Sentimental Reasons," the violent, untimely death of his mother in Los Angeles leads Robert Fox on a mysterious journey of discovery. In the course of dealing with his mother's death, he uncovers the secret life of his father—one of the greatest detectives in Hollywood during the 1950s, who died when Robert was born. Or did he?
A series of clues leads Robert through the labyrinth of old Hollywood as he learns about the grisly Wright-Bence murder case, which was his father's undoing. The death of young actress Victoria Bence, whom his father was having an affair with, leads to his mysterious disappearance and exposes Robert to the dark underbelly of Tinseltown.
In an elaborate narrative style that jumps in time and place, we experience Hollywood noir and explore the world of young girls living at Welles Manor who came to the City of Angels in the pursuit of fame and fortune with some of them winding up dead.
"For Sentimental Reasons" By Daniel Segal Quality Paperback 279 Pages Publication Date: December 2002 ISBN-10: 0972400702 ISBN-13: 9780972400701 $12.95 - USA